Which Duggars Still Live At Home (Unmarried) In 2023?

Publish date: 2024-03-18

The Duggar family has a long history of appearing on reality TV yet adhering to their strict religious values in every facet of their lives. While their picture-perfect reality TV premise was shattered by their eldest son Josh's scandal and subsequent prison sentence, that doesn't mean former fans aren't still keeping an eye on what the rest of the family is doing.

After all, there are 18 other Duggar kids to check up on. Though the reality TV shows have ended, fans got used to hearing about (and watching) the Duggar courtships, weddings, and births. Without the show going on, it's harder to see what the Duggars are up to, though not impossible. Each year brings more Duggar babies, marriages, and drama—but who is as yet unmarried?

Updated January 31st, 2023: This article has been updated with recent information on the Duggars, including possible courtship for the now-grown kids.

How Many Of The Duggar Kids Are Married?

Let's start by saying that most of the Duggar kids are already married, and many of them were married quite young. There are 19 Duggar children, 20 including Michelle's great-grand-nephew, who she and Jim Bob have custody of, and 11 are married.

Those include Josh, John-David, Jill, Jessa, Jinger, Joseph, Josiah, Joy-Anna, Jedidiah, Jeremiah, and Justin.

The first wedding was, of course, oldest sibling Josh's, in 2008; Josh was 20 at the time. Later, Jill married Derick Dillard (in 2014), Jessa married Ben Seewald (in 2014), Jinger married Jeremy Vuolo (in 2016), and Joy-Anna married Austin Forsyth in 2017.

By that time, it seemed like all the younger, rowdy boys of the Duggar household had magically sprouted into grown men, and were soon walking down the aisle themselves.

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Joseph married Kendra Caldwell in 2017 when he was 22. Josiah married Lauren in 2018, at age 21. John-David, as yet unmarried twin to Jana, was a bit of a late bloomer in Duggar timelines; he married Abbie Burnett in 2018 at age 28.

Then in 2021, Justin married Claire Spivey, and the two were 18 and 19, respectively. The same year, 22-year-old Jedidiah married Katelyn Nakatsu; More recently, in March 2022, Jeremiah Duggar married Hannah Wissmann; Jeremiah was 23 at the time, and the two had courted for roughly three months.

Which Duggar Kids Still Live At Home?

Generally, the Duggar kids get married fairly young, but there is one exception; the oldest Duggar daughter Jana hasn't yet moved out of the family compound or ever courted. While fans have plenty of theories about why that is, the fact remains that Jana is still at home as she heads into her mid-30s.

What other siblings haven't yet left the nest due to being underage or, perhaps, not yet interested in marriage? Though the fan-labeled lead "Duggar favorite" is long gone, a handful of kids still fill the Duggar home.

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As of January 2023, nine Duggar "kids" (including Jana) still lived at home or at least were not yet betrothed. Those include Jason, James, Jackson, Johannah, Jennifer, Tyler, Jordyn-Grace, and Josie. Of those Duggar children, only five are underage (the girls plus Tyler).

Which, of course, begs the question; how soon will Jason, James, and Jackson get married and leave home? And will pseudo-Duggar kiddo Tyler Hutchins leave the nest on the same timeline?

Which Duggar Will Get Married Next?

As viewers of 19 Kids and Counting know, the Duggars don't date in a conventional sense. Instead, they use very strict courtship rules in finding a suitable spouse for each young adult. In most cases, the kids don't really court until they're 18, or close to it.

Jason, James, Jackson, and Tyler were the last unmarried Duggar boys as of January 2023. Of them, Tyler is the only one who's underage; Jackson turned 18 in 2022 and could very well begin courting soon.

Jackson recently got his own social media accounts, says Entertainment Chronicle, which is often a turning point for the Duggar kids in terms of when relationships are announced. So far, no word has come from the Duggar camp, though.

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But after spotting Jason Duggar out with a mystery girl, many have assumed he's courting Claire Langdon. To date, the rumors have not been confirmed.

As for the young women in the household, Jana Duggar remains unmarried at home, and fans have a sad prediction for her future that involves never getting married at all. Her younger sisters, however, may follow a different path.

Johannah Duggar turns 18 in October 2023; Jennifer turns 16 in August, Jordyn-Grace will be 15, and Josie will be 14. Fans will have to stay tuned to find out what's in store for their futures, and those of the handful of other Duggar kids still living at home.
