50 Laffy Taffy Jokes For Your Silly Sweet Tooth

Publish date: 2024-10-05

Laffy Taffy candy has been around for decades. The sugary sweet treat gets its name not only from the candy inside the wrapper, but the fun entertainment on the outside. Laffy Taffy jokes are the kind of quirky Q and As anyone can find funny, and since the beginning, the jokes have been written and sent in by children, making them extra special and adorable. These cute, funny Laffy Taffy jokes are all sourced from the backs of the iconic candies, and are sure to give you and your friends a sweet chuckle.

The best Laffy Taffy jokes to tell your friends:

1. Q: What did the egg say to the frying pan?

You crack me up.

2. Q: How do bulls write?

With a bullpen.

3. Q: How do you get an alien baby to sleep?

You rocket.

4. Q: What did the hurricane say to the island?

I've got my eye on you!

5. Q: What is thin, white, and scary?


6. Q: What do you call a happy cowboy?

A jolly rancher.

7. Q: What do you all a fancy sea creature?


8. Q: What kind of tea is sometimes hard to swallow?


9. Q: What is the definition of a farmer?

Someone is good in their field.

10. Q: Why did the bones cross the street?

They didn't, the dogs ate them.

11. Q: Why did the student eat his homework?

The teacher said it was a piece of cake.

12. Q: Why don't lobsters share?

Because they are shellfish.

13. Q: What did the horse say when he tripped?

Help! I've fallen and I can't giddy-up.

14. Q: What prize do you get for putting your phone on vibrate?

The no bell prize.

15. Q: Who took the frog's car?

It was toad.

16. Q: What is a tree's favorite drink?

Root beer.

17. Q: What do you call a broken window?

A plain in the glass.

18. Q: Why don't ducks tell jokes while they are flying?

Because they would quack up.

19. Q: When does it rain money?

When there is a change in the weather.

20. Q: Why was the broom late?

It over swept.

21. Q: Where do hamsters go on vacation?


22. Q: How do you communicate with a fish?

You drop it a line.

23. Q: What did the music teacher say when her students asked if they sing their favorite song?

"Of chorus"

24. Q: What do cats eat for breakfast?

Mice Krispies!

25. Q: Why do fish always sing off key?

Because you can't tuna fish.

26. Q: What kind of horses go out after dusk?


27. Q: Did you hear about the fire at the circus?

It was in tents!

28. Q: What do you call it when a dinosaur crashes his car?

Tyrannosaurus Wrecks.

29. Q: Why did the banana go to the doctor?

He wasn't peeling well.

30. Q: What did the pancake say to the baseball player?

Batter up!

31. Q: How do you cut the ocean in half?

With a sea saw!

32. Q: What building has the most stories?

A Library!

33. Q: What do you call a grandmother who tells jokes?

A gram cracker!

34. Q: Where should you go if your dog is missing?

The lost and hound.

35. Q: What has no legs but can do a split?

A banana.

36. Q: What do you call a sleeping bull?

A bulldozer.

37. Q: What did 0 say to 8?

Nice belt!

38. Q: What do sharks say when something radical happens?


39. Q: What kind of music to chiropractors listen to?

Hip hop.

40. Q: What do you call a baby with a drum?

A baby boomer.

41. Q: Why was the tomato blushing?

Because he saw the salad dressing!

42. Q: What to you call a lazy baby kangaroo?

A pouch potato!

43. Q: What did the police man say to his tummy?

I got you under a vest!

44. Q: Why did the cookie to the hospital?

He was feeling crummy.

45. Q: Why shouldn't you write with a broken pencil!

Because it's pointless!

46. Q: What do owls say when they're introduced?

Howl do you do?

47. Q: Whats the vest way to carve wood?

Whittle by whittle.

48. Q: Why was the cat afraid of the tree?

Because of it's bark!

49. Q: What room can no one enter?

A mushroom.

50. Q: How did dinosaurs decorate their bedroom?

With rep-tiles!

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