Nataly Buhr: The Valedictorian Who Shook the Internet

Publish date: 2024-02-29

Nataly Buhr is a name that many people may not recognize, but her speech at her high school graduation in 2019 made her an overnight sensation. Buhr, who was the valedictorian of San Ysidro High School in San Diego, California, used her platform to call out some of the school staff for their alleged incompetence, negligence, and intoxication. Her speech went viral on social media and sparked a controversy that divided opinions on whether she was brave or disrespectful.

The Speech That Shocked Everyone

Buhr began her speech by thanking her parents, friends, and some of the teachers who were supportive and invested in her education. She praised them for being intelligent, inspiring, and caring. However, she then switched gears and addressed some of the school staff who she felt had failed her and her classmates. She said:

To my counselor, thank you for letting me fend for myself — you were always unavailable. You expressed to me your joy in having one of your students be valedictorian when you had absolutely no role in my achievements.

To the staff in the main office, thank you for teaching me how to be resourceful. Your negligence to inform me of several scholarships until the day before they were due potentially caused me to miss out on thousands of dollars. When applying for a work permit, you repeatedly turned me away, despite confirming with my employer and my parents that all of my paperwork was filled out correctly.

To the teacher who was regularly intoxicated during class this year, thank you for using yourself as an example to teach students about the dangers of alcoholism. Being escorted by police out of school left a lasting impression.

Buhr concluded her speech by saying:

I hope that future students and staff learn from these examples.

Her speech was met with mixed reactions from the audience. Some cheered and applauded, while others gasped and looked shocked. Her speech was also recorded and uploaded online, where it quickly gained millions of views and comments.

The Aftermath of the Speech

Buhr’s speech caused a stir not only among her school community, but also among the public and the media. Some praised her for being courageous and honest, while others criticized her for being rude and ungrateful. Some of the comments on social media were:

Buhr’s speech also attracted the attention of some media outlets, who interviewed her and her mother about their motivations and reactions. Buhr told CBS News that she wanted to bring attention to what she felt was lack of support for students at her school. She said:

I understand that those I criticized may be facing personal issues, but I don’t think that should affect their commitments or the school’s responsibility to fulfill those commitments. I didn’t expect for it to go viral at all.

Her mother, Monica Buhr, told CBS News that she was proud of her daughter for speaking up and getting it out. She said:

It is something that takes a lot courage to do.

However, not everyone was supportive of Buhr’s speech. The spokesperson for Sweetwater Union High School District, Manuel Rubio, told CBS News that he could not comment on specific allegations, but offered his take on the speech. He said:

It’s unfortunate that the words of a student like this are taking away from the positive. There are a lot of teachers working very hard for our students, it’s unfortunate that she decided to air grievances.

Rubio also told The Washington Post that Buhr’s speech did not reflect the one that the school had preapproved before the commencement ceremony. He said:

We think that the student’s speech was inappropriate and out of line.

The Impact of the Speech

Buhr’s speech has been one of the most controversial and memorable valedictorian speeches in recent history. It has sparked a debate on whether students have the right to express their opinions freely at graduation ceremonies, or whether they should follow certain etiquette and decorum. It has also raised questions on whether schools are providing adequate support and resources for students’ academic success and well-being.

Buhr’s speech has also inspired other students to use their speeches as a vehicle to put a spotlight on issues that matter to them. For example, in 2019, Rooha Haghar, a valedictorian at Emmett J. Conrad High School in Dallas, Texas, had her mic cut off as she began to list the names of black teens who were shot by police. She said that the school purposefully muted her mic to silence her voice.

Buhr’s speech has also had an impact on her own life and career. According to Medium, Buhr is currently studying at the University of California, San Diego, where she is pursuing a degree in political science. She is also involved in various campus activities and organizations, such as the Associated Students, the Triton Lobby Corps, and the College Democrats. She has also received several awards and scholarships for her academic achievements and leadership skills.

Buhr’s speech has shown that words have power, and that students have a voice that can make a difference. Whether one agrees or disagrees with her speech, one cannot deny that she has made a lasting impression on many people. Nataly Buhr is a valedictorian who shook the internet, and who continues to pursue her dreams and goals.
